Connaught Park (Urban Dog Park)
Connaught Park is located in the core of downtown Calgary in the Beltline District. For people with pet’s downtown, finding places for them to play and interact with other animals has been very difficult in the past because most parks ban animals. To solve this issue the City of Calgary proposed the development of an inner city dog park on Connaught Park. Prior to its renovation, Connaught Park was a rundown city park with little occupants. Due to numbers being low in this particular park, the city decided to designate this area as the first urban dog park for Calgary. Ever since the renovation, Connaught Park has shown dramatic improvements in attraction towards citizens of the downtown and suburban areas.
In return the dog owners of the Beltline District and surrounding area were thrilled with the off-leash establishment conveniently close to their homes. This changed the game of off-leash dog parks for people living in the inner city. Prior to Connaught Park’s renovation, people had to pack up their dogs and drive out to the suburbs to an off-leash dog park. This solution is very practical and appealing to people living in downtown. The city is pleasantly surprised with how their pilot project went, receiving great feedback.